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For a tour you must book an appointment OR visit on of our free ice cream socials. Text 815-629-2212 or call for more info on tours and socials
Our Disney moment
If you want something amazing and different try our “owl experience”.
You receive a private tour for 4; feed the tortoises, picture of an owl with handler and you and more.
Hoo is much honored that so many individuals are glad we are here. This is just a reminder for those who may not know.
Because we are 100% volunteer run and all donations go to the wildlife there are a few things that we work around.
- All intakes are by appointment only. Because we cannot do chores, go to the vet, do releases, treatments and more we intake by appointment only.
- We do have regular tour times, Tuesday thru Saturday 11am.
- Most intakes are done 9-12 but not all. We will let you know when you call.
- Our hard line is not great with all the rain. It has been checked out, we have a new phone but all the water in the ground is still giving problems. So be very careful when you call. Name, phone number clearly and slow and animal. If I cannot hear, understand the phone number there cannot be a call back.
Programs Programs Programs
Do you want your children to learn how to help heal the Earth: Book one of our programs.
Programs are being booked so if you want your date let us know as soon as possible.
There is so much to do and we can all help in many ways.
We have the regular Hawk and Owl programs, The Pelican Programs and the Eagle Programs.
Please remember this is one of the ways Hoo Haven supports our selves so we can continue our work.
Give and receive with one of our programs. How cool is that.
Everyone is booking their programs for 2019. Please call either 815-629-2212 and leave a number where you can be reached at 6pm, along with type of program and approximation of date or email me at Karen@hoohaven.org along with a cell number.
“Hoo” Haven has programs to fit anyone and everyone from 3 to 105.
Programs for the very young 3-6 years old are 20 to 30 minutes,
1 bird Plus Programs are 40 minutes long.
2 bird Plus Programs are 50- 1 hour
The Pelican Program is 50 minutes to 1 hour.
The Eagle Program is 45 minutes to 1 hour.
There is the Newer Owl and Treasure Hunt Program that can easily go 1 hour and 20 minutes.
We also have The Tortoise and The Hare Program.
“Hoo” is known for their enthusiastic Bird of Prey Programs. We love what we do and it shows. “Hoo’s” statement is Bring the “Field Trip” to you.
Get your programs booked now for any group or School Group.
Let everyone see Birds of Prey up Close and Personal with lots of fun facts.
Spring Tours of the “Hoo” Haven Compound start June 1st and run thru August 10th.
Tours will start at promptly at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM Tueasday through Saturday. Please arrive early, you must be ontime, bring your camera.
Adults are $10 and everyone under 12 years old is free. The tour takes approximately one hour. You will get to see Eagles, Hawks, Owls, Pelicans and more as animals and birds come in for rehabilitation and are readied and released.
Be watching the web page for up-dates and added information
Please remember we are available for private tours, birthdays, anniversaries and surprises. We also have a beautiful Gazebo that individuals use for gatherings.
"Hoo" Haven Wildlife Tours
Come and see what is in your own backyard while learning how you too can help. We are all part of Mother Earth and her fragile balance and yes one person can make a difference.
The Tour takes a little over one hour. Plan on asking lots of questions, we love to answer them. Wear comfortable shoes and the layered look depending on the weather. Cameras are permitted.
At the end of the Tour you can visit "The Gazebo" where we have items specially made for "Hoo" to purchase to help support us.
As my husband says "if a picture is worth a thousand words then an animal is worth a thousand pictures.
"Hoo" Haven Wildlife and Educational Center
10823 Cleveland Road
Durand, IL 61024
School starts soon. Tell your techers you would like a “Hoo” Haven Program and to do a collection to qualify for Community Service Hours for school and have fun.
Do you want Marshmellow the Pelican, Indy the Harris Hawk or more.
Call early 629-2212 and leave a message.
Three scenes from the annual Barnes & Noble Program.