If you would like to donate directly to "Hoo" Haven, a 501c3 tax deductable donation, feel free to use the button at the left to donate using a credit card or your PayPal account. |
- Extra Large puppy pads (ducks and geese)
- Dried Bugs for Reptiles (Chewy) (wood ducks)
- Eggs
- Gold fish for pond 3 dozen (Wayne’s Feed)
- Rugs with rubber backing. When fawns come in floor is too slippery.
- Dry Cat food for foxes and more
Thank you to all who help. We could not do this without all your help.
God Bless
Be watching for up dates
Hoo has been very busy and has many mouths of different kinds to feed.
We are in desperate need of red cuttable meat.
You can bring it any day Monday thru Sunday. You do not have to call just be here between 9 and 12/N that is when I have help.
If you cannot bring it then let me know and I will be here to receive it.
Thank you for everyone’s help. No one does this alone.
Hoo Haven
Hay Hay Hay
Hoo haven needs 4 bales of hay for its fawns.
Please if anyone has any or knows someone please call 815-629-2212 or email Karen@hoohaven.org
Thank you
This is the old Schnucks card, BUT.
Remember it costs you Nothing, but it helps us a lot.
We are trying to hit our high at Schnucks, help us do that.
Use Giving Assistant to save money and support Hoo Haven Inc. Automatically donate 3-30% of your purchase price to Hoo Haven Inc. at 2,500+ popular online retailers like Sears (7%).
Shop. Earn. Give! Use Giving Assistant to earn cash back at 2,500+ popular online stores, then donate a percentage of that cash back to organizations you value—as much as 30% of your total purchase price. You’ll also enjoy deals like exclusive Office Depot coupons and special offers at stores like Staples (5%) and Kmart (6%), all while supporting our mission with your donations

Automatically donate 3-30% of your purchase price to Hoo Haven Inc. at 2,500+ popular online retailers like Sears (7%).
For those of you who do not know a lot about “Hoo” Haven Wildlife and Educational Center, we are the only Wildlife Facility within 75 miles. We do over 850 mammals and birds in a year. We are 100% volunteer and DONATION run. Your help allows us to do more.
This has been a very busy year with vet visits, medicine, special diets and more.
If you would like to help just hit PayPal for $5 or more. All amounts help a lot.
If you would like to donate directly to "Hoo" Haven, a 501c3 tax deductable donation, feel free to use the button at the left to donate using a credit card or your PayPal account. Thank You so much for supporting the Animals. Karen & Steve Herdklotz |
"Hoo" Haven and Amazon
Buy and donate all at the same time
Everytime you shop on Amazon, if you will use the following special link: www.smile.amazon.com, Amazon will donate money to Hoo.
You must use this link: www.smile.amazon.com and chose "Hoo" Haven as your charitable organization.
It costs you nothing and if you tell a few of your friends, it helps "Hoo" a lot.
Helping "Hoo" Haven Wildlife and Educational Center
Have you ever been driving and seen a hurt animal. You watch the news and see bad things. Not everyone can volunteer.
Whether you give once or you tithe every month you are helping all God's Creatures and showing that you care. Join the "Hoo" Team. Be a doer and you can help us do more. We are the only Facility in 75 miles with a surgery room, lab, aquatic area and more and it is BECAUSE of people and business like you. No one does this alone and neither does "Hoo" Haven.
Helping one animal and bird at a time.
How Can You Help
I receive many calls asking how individuals or groups can help "Hoo" Haven, so I thought I would answer it online for all those who are interested. Those who want to help can help in many ways.
First,you must know that we are totally run by volunteers and are always looking for good, reliable individuals that would like to volunteer and make a difference.
For all those who support us or want to support us, we are in need of the following: Paper Towels, Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, and Bird seed. We do alot of laundry and alot of dishes to keep everything clean.
Please help. You can either drop it off at Hoo any morning between 9-12 or you can drop it off to me at 4pm Crusader on Broadway. That is when I get out o f work and you will see my van with Hoo Haven written on it. If it is there I am still inside.
Thank you all.
Large Projects that groups can do:
*Put electric in 2 buildings (some electrical skills required) which should be a one day job for each building
*Install a new roof on fox pen, should have 2-3 people and a one day job
*Put in a 15 x 15 foot cement pad
The list always grows to keep "Hoo" in good shape for all the wildlife.
Things you can donate for winter:
Pine cones stuffed with peanut butter
Ears of corn
Bird seed
(all are in real need now due to winter and all the back feeding we do.)
Small Projects that groups or individuals can do:
Squirrel houses are needed to leave with squirrel releases
One of the ways we support Hoo Haven is through doing Education Programs with live animals out in the community. If you have a school, scout group, family gathering, church group, fair, etc interested in having a live animal presentation, please call the number listed below to schedule your event.
If you see something here you would like to do or need direction for, just call 815-629-2212. All of us at "Hoo" will be more than glad to help direct you.
In helping "Hoo" Haven you are helping all the wildlife and the communities around us.
Thank You