Click for A Word From Karen

“Hoo” Haven is dedicated to rehabilitating and releasing, sick, injured and orphaned, North American Wildlife. And to educating individuals to the importance of the conservation of Mother Earth, to maintain the land, clean and beautiful for all.

If you want to donate directly to Hoo use the buton below


hooVirtual tour of HOO

Link to Hoo Havens Second Web Site.    

wine events

Official DDAF Grantee>

Programs - Programs - Programs
Do you want your children to learn how to help heal the Earth:  Book one of our programs.

Programs are being booked so if you want your date let us know as soon as possible. There is so much to do and we can all help in many ways.
We have the regular Hawk and Owl programs, The Pelican Programs and the Eagle Programs.
Please remember this is one of the ways Hoo Haven supports themselves so we can continue our work.
Give and receive with one of our programs.  How cool is that.

Our Very First Bobcat
I always love to study new wildlife when they come in from a hidden area and Honey as I have named her is no different.  (By the way I do not know if it is a boy or girl)
She is very shy and private.  She likes to be up high and hides herself in her area a lot.
When she feels comfortable she will stretch out on a shelf.  When you come out for a tour you are unable to see her at least right now as I do not want to stress her.
As we all know here at Hoo Haven it is all about the wildlife. 
We are looking at building a new pen to house her as we may have her for a while. 
When we are able to help it gives me a warm fuzzy.  Due to all the permits and licenses required I am glad we are here. 
My favorite saying to all who know me is “we do not own Mother Earth” we simply rent or borrow while we are here.  What we leave behind is our legacy.  There has to be room for all of us since we are supposed to be the smartest.
God Bless to all who support us and all the wildlife we help.

Honey the bobcat.  she sure has grown


On Saturday June 16, 2018 at Deer Run Forest Preserve, approximately 350 people attended one of the largest simulations releases of rehabilitated Eagles in Illinois. Three American Bald Eagles were released back into the wild, one 7 to 8 year old adult and two 15 month old juveniles.  Excellent photos and coverage was given by Joseph Zuzevich, WIFR Chanel 23, and the Rockford Register Star. Click on the three links below to see the wonderful photos, videos, and information provided by the above.
Hoo Haven has taken in 85 Bald Eagles and 1 Golden Eagle to date, for rehabilitation.





A Loon taking advantage of Hoo Havens Aquatic Area.